

Announcing the Don Norman Design Award and Summit (DNDA)

I am delighted to announce that the Don Norman Design Award and Summit (DNDA) is now open for applications. DNDA is a global platform for early-career practitioners and educational organizations to showcase activities that impact society and then, to host an international summit for all groups that are working to benefit society through Humanity-Centered Design. Humanity-Centered Design means community-based solutions where designs are done through participatory co-design: by and with communities. Moreover, all the work must address the impact upon the environment and all living things, not just the community for which it is intended. It is Human-centered plus more, hence the acronym H+CD.


What kinds of projects? See the United Nations’ list of 17 Sustainable Development Goals at (and read deeply into the numerous specialized websites branching off from that site). Projects must be done by people early in their career as practitioners– no more than two previous projects. They must provide evidence of working with communities and demonstrating results.

Educational Groups

Any educational group, universities, departments, bootcamps, on-line, etc., that teaches H+CD (it can be called by any name), and can demonstrate effectiveness by the activities of graduates. Educational awards are not a contest: Any group that staisfies the criteria will qualify.


The Humanity-Centered Design Summit, November 14-15 in San Diego, California (USA) allows everyone to share their knowledge, their lessons learned from both failures and successes, and to provide guidance and a platform for sharing. The Summit marks the start of the creation of an active society where every year people gather to share and learn. There are two parts to the Summit: A day of talks by leaders in H+CD with breakout sessions, and a day of an informal, participant-driven “unconference,” with format and conversations determined by the participants.

We are a non-profit charity: 501(c)(3) in the United States.

We are now accepting applications for awards at Go to there to find out more.