Essays & Articles


Unusable Objects


The design of unusable items has become a meme, or perhaps a fetish. I started with Jacques Carelman's wonderful books, where his Coffeepot for masochists" became the cover of my book. Since then, many others have followed.

November 12, 2018

2 minutes read

Democratizing Design: A Lecture.


A one-hour lecture on bottom-up or community-driven-design, citizen science (citizen design) and then, bottom-up and top-down design). Presented on April 6, 2018 at the Washington Philosophical Society, held at the Cosmos Club, Washington DC.

November 4, 2018

1 minute read

Then and Now: The Bauhaus and 21st century design


The Bauhaus movement in Germany, roughly 1919-1933, marked a major turning point for design and its role in society. It exerted a powerful and influential role in the development of artist style. But today, for many designers, it is more of a historical curiosity than a role model. Why? What has ...

December 24, 2017

8 minutes read

You can’t predict the future by inventing it


In 1963, Dennis Gabor, Nobel laureate for his invention of the holograph, said "The future cannot be predicted, but futures can be invented" (Gabor, 1963). This statement has become a mantra in recent times, attributed to many who are simply rephrasing Gabor. Alas, the slogan, wonderful though it...

September 3, 2017

1 minute read

Technology Forces Us To Do Things We’re Bad At. Time To Change How Design Is Done


Distractibility isn't a human problem; it's a design problem, writes usability expert Don Norman. We need to reverse the normal technological strategy of asking people to fill in for gaps in machine performance. Instead, we should require machines to fill in for gaps in human performance. After a...

January 28, 2017

7 minutes read

Design, business models, and human-technology teamwork


As automation and artificial intelligence technologies develop, we need to think less about the design of human-machine interfaces and more about the design of human-machine teamwork....

January 17, 2017

13 minutes read

The Future of Design: When you come to a fork in the road, take it


Design started out as a craft, primarily focusing upon the creation of beautiful objects to become a powerful force in industry. Today, design has gone far beyond its simple origins as a craft to develop powerful new ways for people to interact with the world, emphasizing experience, not technolo...

April 23, 2016

18 minutes read

Norman & Stappers (2016). DesignX: Design and complex sociotechnical systems


I am pleased to say that the paper by P.J. Stappers and me on DesignX has been published, along with several commentaries and then a response by the authors. With citation and URL for the package. ...

March 20, 2016

1 minute read

Vox Media on Norman Doors. ‘Bad doors are everywhere’


A video that is both instructional and fun. The article text concludes by saying "Don Norman's seminal book on design, The Design of Everyday Things, ... (p)ublished 25 years ago, it remains just as relevant today. Doors shouldn't need instructions. When most people complain about something, noth...

February 27, 2016

2 minutes read

How Apple is Giving Design a Bad Name


Bruce Tognazzini and I document the many shortcomings of Apple's current design philosophy in this Fast Company article....

November 10, 2015

2 minutes read

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